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Lewis Jolley


native of Bostic, NC and graduate from East Rutherford High School 1967, played his collegiate football career at UNC Chapel Hill from 1969-1971 as a running back, wing back and kick-off return, after receiving a scholarship in spite of not being able to play his senior year due to injury. He was later drafted in 1972 by the Houston Oilers as the highest NFL draft pick in Rutherford County

history (56). From 1972-1974, Jolly played with the Houston Oilers, the Charlotte Hornets and the New York Stars.

Jolley, because of his superb performance as a running back for UNC Chapel Hill, was also selected as a key member of the 1971 All-Atlantic Coast Conference football team, which consisted of American football players chosen by various selectors for their All-Atlantic Coast Conference ("ACC") teams for the 1971 college football season.

While playing collegiately, during warmups against Notre Dame, a former teammate recalled this exchange: "Lewis Jolley was catching punts, running them a short distance, and turning around to go catch another one. As I kicked a field goal, Lewis jogged by and yelled, "We're in some deep $--t." I said, "What do you mean?" He said, "I will be back." He caught another punt, jogged by, and said, "These guys are huge." I said, "Lewis we knew that before today." He said, "'Il be back." He came back again, this time with a bit of laughter and bigger than normal eyes peering from his helmet, Lewis said, "They do not have their shoulder pads on yet." I turned and looked, he was right, they did not have their shoulder pads on and they were already huge!!"

Lewis Jolley
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